Say My Name

You know, that Destiny’s Child song is a classic. Besides that though, the title is, “Say My Name” because it’s what your business should not-so-secretly be hoping for in regards to media platforms in 2019. It is a feasible way … Read more

On Ideological Possession

You might not realize it, but self-righteousness is highly addictive. You know…the feeling of self-righteousness- the feeling that you were “right all along” is just…fantastic. Because of this good feeling, this dopamine rush that being right gives us, our tendency is to latch onto ideas that fit our … Read more

How To Avoid Toxic Consumerism

The Merriam Webster definition of money is: “something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment”. A simple concept. It is a social utility… We need it to properly trade with each … Read more