To Admit Your Mistakes

To go into full-repentance mode or not? Repentance is to take responsibility for the lack of good results in your life instead of blaming another person or another situation from the past. In other words, it is admitting that we … Read more

Are You Entrepreneur Material?

Is a creative-driven career, like entrepreneurship, realistically attainable for you? For just everyone? If so, is there such thing as a silver-platter “course” or “program” that can easily make it attainable for everyone? This article seeks to explore these topics, … Read more

Why Visualization is Important

“Visualize your goals.” It’s like a “self-development” industry platitude by now, but nonetheless, a very, very important habit to implement into our lives. One could say, visualization is an optional activity – something woo woo, law of attraction, and “new agey” stuff. … Read more

Investing in Yourself

To invest is to not squander our resources, which we may be so inclined to do, but to consciously plan for our future with these resources. There are many ways you can invest in yourself. Financial Investments On Paper… If … Read more